A more prepared workforce

Enhance your syllabus with real experience

What we do

Customised training sessions

Our full-suite training programmes for schools will allow for students to get basic in-person training, coupled with e-learning to allow them to revisit the training and other modules at their own pace.

hours of training

From School To Industry

Whether it is personal branding or finance management, our nodules are specially customised to the students, with the goal of setting them up for long and sustainable creative careers and businesses. Taught by creative practitioners, your students will benefit from learning from the top minds of the industry.

foundational modules


  • An introductory session for an overview of what being your own boss is about and what you can expect if you choose this as a career path.

  • Being your own boss takes grit and perseverance and can be a tough career choice for many. In this session, we break down some essential tools and fundamentals for you to have a fulfilling and rewarding freelance career.

  • Description text goes hereWe look at digital tools for marketing that an independent professional can use to market themselves and reach their target audience.

Finance & Legal
  • An introduction to the muddy area that is Intellectual Property and how creative freelancers can manage their greatest asset - their IP.

  • We go through the basics of financial management as an independent professional. It includes best practices, tips & tricks, and what to look for in your own financial management.

  • A crash course in the different types of business structures in Singapore to help a learner make a better-informed choice about the direction they want to take their business in.

Money & Contracts

Personal Branding

  • An overview of personal branding as a freelancer or an independent professional. From the why to the mindset.

  • We look at various digital tools for marketing that an independent professional can use to market themselves and reach their target audience.

  • Tips and tricks from a professional on how to bring your online presence to the next level.

    Can be customized to specific platforms. (eg. LinkedIn, TikTok, Instagram & Facebook)

  • We cover the unique space of video creation for social media, including the technical aspect of creating a social media video from start to finish.

  • A deep-dive into one of the most important parts of a freelancer’s career - their portfolio.

    Consists of small-group peer and trainer review of portfolio.

Contact us.

Find out more about our programmes for schools or institutes of higher learning.